Where there's a will, a male Jack Russell terrier/chihuahua mix male will breed a lab/hound mix female. The result is shown in the photo.
The owners of the parents never thought the small male would be able to accomplish his deed, so they never had the female spayed, nor the male neutered. They had never had puppies before and did not realize the female was pregnant. They thought she was just getting fat and lazy till December 10, 2011 when their son called and told them the female had had a puppy on the day bed. Shocked, they got home to find 7 live puppies, one proud momma, and one dad with a grin. Where there's a will - - -
Earlier this week I was checking Craigslist as I often do, because sometimes there are highly adoptable dogs that are being given away "free to good homes" or they will be taken to a kill shelter. If I can help by rescuing the dogs and putting them with a responsible rescue to rehome, I offer. I always tell the owners what my intentions are right up front, and sometimes they are okay with it and sometimes they are offended, and sometimes just plain angry. Oh well, can't win them all.
This particular family is leaving the state for a week this evening and contacted me to say that they had at least 8 emails from people who wanted the pups. There were only three left, one male and the two girls pictured. I told the family to let me know if they needed me. This morning I got an email stating that the people never showed up and offering to bring me the puppies. Olivia and Minnie arrived around 10 this morning. They have been well cared for, have been to the vet for their first series of vaccinations and a worming, and have obviously been loved. They won't go to a kill shelter, but will be here with me till I can make arrangements with a local rescue to help me find them homes.
The owner said she has a new respect for rescues as she found out how many people say things they don't mean, leave you high and dry, and are no shows. I told her that I would never rehome a dog with anyone who didn't show up for a scheduled appointment and didn't call to explain why - it shows that they are irresponsible and would put something else ahead of the welfare of the animal. Granted, there are emergency situations that arise, but those are usually rare.
So, the male JR/chihuahua mix has been neutered, and mom is scheduled to be spayed. Olivia and Minnie are on their way to a new home. Yep, where there's a will, there's a way!
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