Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Abandoned

I got an "URGENT" email around 8 pm last night. A friend who rescues and has helped us pull dogs from gas shelters in Ohio and Kentucky was presented with two miniature size cocker spaniels (she thinks) by the neighborhood kids. They are flea infested to the point of bleeding, matted beyond belief - couldn't tell the sex of the dogs without removing mats, and who knows what else at this point.

My friend already has nine dogs, some hers and the rest rescued, and had no place to put them. I called her, and she was going to take them to another friend's place to try to clean them up, give them Capstar, and is bringing them out to our rescue today. They are the buff colored cocker spaniels.

We picked up the two dogs we put on hold at animal control last week. One is a yorkie mix male, we call him Wilson - very nice dog. The other is a puppy, a female dachshund mix, we call her Dixie, with huge ears. She's a real sweetie too!

We know we have a litter of seven Aussie mix puppies coming to us as soon as they cut teeth - the owners are anxious to move them on.

I turned Marty, who has lived in a crate for 7 months of his life, out with Goliath. They play and play and play. Marty is enjoying having room to move and has learned sit and is learning that he shouldn't bolt through a door or gate.

Cayman is learning how to be a dog and actually sniffing the ground. Pixie is helping him, and she is enjoying her freedom as well. Both were much loved house dogs and will make great companions.

Sam and Hope are a team - Sam shows Hope how to relax and enjoy life. Hope has gained weight and looks like a different dog. She is much happier.

If anyone reading this is interested in adoption, go to or petfinder for Greenfield, Indiana

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