The parking lot puppies we picked up last week have come a long way. They had no real allegiance to humans, didn't know how to follow, hadn't seen a collar or leash when we got them. In the last 8 days they have started their crate training, learned to come when called, learned to walk on a leash. At first walking on a leash was like trying to lead bucking rodeo stock, but they have become good enough that I can lead two or three at a time without any problem.
Pete and Piper have the border collie move down pat. Pogo and Powder resemble the lab side of the family. Penn just likes to play and be with people, resembles the boxer side of the family in looks and personality.
Comet found a home between snow storms.

Tinsel, a schnauzer mix, has really come out of her shell. She no longer sits at the back of the kennel and shivers. She comes to the front gate and waits to go out, and when it opens, she moves on out with her tail out behind her and her ears up. When we first rescued her, she would tuck her tail under her belly all the way up to her chin whiskers. She has barked three times since we have had her - and hearing her bark at all made us very happy! She is still timid around people she doesn't know, but less so every day. I plan on bringing her up to the house for a few visits to see how she handles being in a home, and if necessary will move her into the house temporarily. Koko and Jessi have already met her and have no problem getting along. Tinsel has been turned out to play with Jessi, Koko, and Erin and Comet and got along fine - she has learned to relax and be a dog and is much happier. She is housebroken, and not particularly fond of snow (nor am I). Hopefully we will be able to put her up for adoption soon.
My husband asked what would help me out, and I told him an electric golf cart so I can take some of the big dogs out and go the periphery of the property. It's a 32 acre hay field, and it takes me about 45 minutes a trip. I ain't as young as I used to be, and with all the dogs we have here, sometimes I just can't make more than one trip, and sometimes don't have time for that.
The seed catalogs are here, and I can hardly wait for spring so we can get out and teach some new dogs.
Pete and Piper have the border collie move down pat. Pogo and Powder resemble the lab side of the family. Penn just likes to play and be with people, resembles the boxer side of the family in looks and personality.
Comet found a home between snow storms.

Tinsel, a schnauzer mix, has really come out of her shell. She no longer sits at the back of the kennel and shivers. She comes to the front gate and waits to go out, and when it opens, she moves on out with her tail out behind her and her ears up. When we first rescued her, she would tuck her tail under her belly all the way up to her chin whiskers. She has barked three times since we have had her - and hearing her bark at all made us very happy! She is still timid around people she doesn't know, but less so every day. I plan on bringing her up to the house for a few visits to see how she handles being in a home, and if necessary will move her into the house temporarily. Koko and Jessi have already met her and have no problem getting along. Tinsel has been turned out to play with Jessi, Koko, and Erin and Comet and got along fine - she has learned to relax and be a dog and is much happier. She is housebroken, and not particularly fond of snow (nor am I). Hopefully we will be able to put her up for adoption soon.
My husband asked what would help me out, and I told him an electric golf cart so I can take some of the big dogs out and go the periphery of the property. It's a 32 acre hay field, and it takes me about 45 minutes a trip. I ain't as young as I used to be, and with all the dogs we have here, sometimes I just can't make more than one trip, and sometimes don't have time for that.
The seed catalogs are here, and I can hardly wait for spring so we can get out and teach some new dogs.
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